There’s no better measure of quality than customer loyalty

We’re proud to say that more than 93% of our clients have come from referrals. See why our clients love working with Localipsum.

Alexia Suarez
Account Associate, RALLY
We would throw them a curveball, and they always hit a home run!
Brad Williams
Sr. Program Coordinator, VCU
They really turned my dream into reality with several projects that I presented to them.
Judy Larson
Director, Supply Chain and Logistics, California Chamber of Commerce
Localipsum is not just a vendor, but a strong partner; they’re our one source for any and all translations.
Vanessa Mager
Management Analyst, City of Palm Desert
For Localipsum, it is about more than just translating a document, it’s about helping build a connection.
Jennifer Kaiser
HR Consultant, Holden Law Group
Our contract and agreement translations require perfection to be able to stand up in court and I always trust Localipsum to provide it.
Diana Barrios
Director of Finance and Stewardship, Sierra Pacific Synod, ELCA
We were amazed by the level of detail, care, and concern for understanding the content being translated, and the ability of their worldwide staff to jump on a virtual meeting within an hour of our request to get started on the job.
Justina Davis
HR Elite Project Manager, Coastal Payroll Services, Inc.
The attention to detail that Localipsum gives is second to none. They’ve even caught a couple of errors that we made and communicated to us about them, which makes us feel confident that they care about our clients as much as we do.
Lara Popyack
Communications and Outreach, CA Fire Safe Council
I won’t ever work with anyone else.
Rodney Grieve
Owner, Branta Worldwide
We have worked with other services in the past and none offered the attention to detail and professionalism demonstrated by Localipsum.
Kim Durham
Sr. Marketing Executive, Mailing Systems, Inc.
All services were professional, timely delivered, and perfect!
Christina Jorgensen
VP Communications, DDCC, Inc.
They always do what they promise, and on time.
Kim Silvers
President, Silvers HR, LLC
We find their work to be thorough and the turnaround to be excellent.
Christie Gimpel
Freelance Project Manager, ScholarShare
Thanks for making me look good!
Saahil P.
Product Marketing Consultant
I would highly recommend working with them for whatever project comes your way.
Flor dos Santos Botta
Creative Director & Founder Flor de Estudio
Being part of their projects is undoubtedly a transformative experience.
Yuliya Rzad Target als
Yuliya Rzad
Chief Grants Officer, Target ALS Foundation
No hiccups, no long pauses, no confusion.
Guillermo F.
Translation team leader
Every time we have the chance to work together, I feel extremely valued, respected and treasured.

Like we’ve been saying, our clients adore us, and we know you will too.

Ready to go Localipsum?