Tech Localization

Turn your product global with web and software localization


You’ve committed months — even years — making emotional and financial investments to create a great product customers love. Is it really worth cutting corners on localization efforts?

With tech localization, you can reach more people all over the world, and in the right language and format, by making your website, app, or product available to them faster than ever before.

Your website is the first place potential customers come to learn about you and your product. But if they can’t understand it, it’s a lost cause. With a localized website, you can speak to customers in their native tongue while tapping into new markets, reaching more customers, and driving growth fast.
Search engines often give preference to sites in the local language, which can be a huge problem if you plan on serving customers outside the US. Localizing your website ensures your brand is always top-of-mind, even on Google.
75% of worldwide consumers prefer to consume content in their native language. So why launch with a website only in English? Bring localization into your go-to-market strategy and build long-term trust with your customers.
Your customers around the world have different needs, which means the messages you use to reach them will probably be different. Localization makes it easy to acquire new customers with the right messages at the right time, expanding your business’ digital footprint.
Localize entire user interfaces, not just text. And while machine translation might do it faster, you’ll lose out on quality and the chance to build trust with your customers. With Localipsum, you can launch your software knowing every string and piece of code has been localized with the right cultural preferences, legal requirements, and in the preferred format for your global customers.


We localize experiences, not just content, optimizing for a localized UX flow that takes every small detail into account — from buttons, navigation bars, error messages and, of course, software strings and code.

with confidence
and ease of mind

Our team can help you build and deploy localized software that is fully functional, with no readability issues or unclear abbreviations used to fit the strings to the limited space. Our subject matter expert translators absorb every aspect of the target language and ensure your software is always translated with quality and care.

user engagement

Localizing your software removes barriers to access and allows your customers to connect with your product on a deeper level. Go beyond translation and leverage software localization to keep your users engaged, even after you win them over.

We bring the “ipsum” to localize all things tech

Don’t make localization the last thing you do. Allow us to step in and help your IT teams integrate the translation work into your existing development process to design a seamless workflow.

Web Apps Mobile Apps Software Websites WordPress Sites Multimedia Assets Marketplace E-commerce

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